25 Client Acquisition Tips for Personal Injury Lawyers


Good law firm marketing is about more than traffic.  It’s about client acquisition.  Follow these tips to improve your personal injury law firm’s marketing and client acquisition process.


1) Offer Free Consultations

Give potential clients a free 20-minute consultation where you teach them strategies that will help them win their case.  The consultation lets you form a relationship with the client, demonstrate value, and earn their trust.  Clients are much more likely to hire you after talking to you live and having a meaningful conversation about their case.


2) Set Up Email Capture on Your Website

Add a newsletter sign-up form to your blog page and individual blog posts to convert traffic into leads.  Build your email list to increase the reach of your newsletter.  (see our Newsletter Sign Up Form below)


3) Include Testimonials on Every Web Page

Put testimonials, five-star reviews, and case results on every page.  Testimonials are the strongest evidence that you are great at what you do, but very few people read testimonials pages.  Put this evidence on every page in conspicuous places.


4) Update Your Testimonials

A great testimonial should have the person’s photo, job title, company, company logo, links to their profile and company page, and a headline.  (see our Testimonial below)




5) Update Your Practice Area Pages

People visiting your practice area pages are 10x more likely to become clients than those visiting your blog.  Your practice area pages should simulate a sales conversation and answer every question a potential client may have about their case.


Have a different practice area page for each type of case you handle, and make them 2,500-5000 words each.  Have practice area pages for brain, spine, and burn injuries – and put plenty of links to these pages in your blogs.


6) Highlight Your Trial Experience

Insurers pay more to the clients of attorneys with a proven record of winning personal injury trials.  Let your clients and the insurance companies know you try cases and win.


7) Target the Specific Types of Cases You Want

For example, brain and spine injury cases tend to be lucrative for personal injury lawyers.  Focusing your content on brain and spine injuries and establishing yourself as an expert on them will bring more of those cases your way.


8) Stay in Touch with Referral Sources

Send gifts and handwritten thank you letters to top referral sources—schedule meetings and lunches with them to maintain relationships.  Put in as much face time as possible with your top referral sources.


9) Network with Doctors

Form relationships with medical professionals who can provide referrals.  The relationship is mutual because you can refer clients to them also.


10) Invest in SEO

SEO is especially important for personal injury attorneys because injured clients may be unable to do much research and thus be inclined to choose the top Google result.  If you want to rank for the top search terms on Google, call us today to discuss how we can make that happen.


11) Use Multiple Marketing Channels

Engage multiple channels, including SEO, PPC, LinkedIn, and email newsletters.  Join professional associations to build relationships with other lawyers who can be referral sources.  Attend local networking events.  Do teaching and public speaking engagements.  Sponsor local teams and social causes.  Take photos at all of your law firm events for social media content.


12) Follow Local News

Follow local news f0or personal injury topics trending in your area.  For example, if there has been an increase in e-bike accidents where you live, write a blog about it—this keeps your content fresh, relevant, and performing well in local searches.


13) Write Long-Form Content

Choose specific topics and write about them in depth.  It’s easier to rank for particular issues and topics that fewer people write about.  Your topics should target specific scenarios and answer every question a client could have about them.  Provide detailed information.


14) Repurpose Your Blog Content

Convert your blog content into social media posts and newsletters – this keeps your messaging consistent across platforms and maximizes the reach of your best content.


15) Highlight Your Contributions to Society

Combat negative stereotypes by highlighting personal injury lawyers’ contributions to society, such as protecting people from dangerous vehicles, harmful products, predatory insurance practices, assault, and other safety risks.


16) Make a Marketing Budget

First, make a total marketing budget.  8-10% of your annual revenue is a good place to start.  Then, decide how to segment it across your marketing channels (print ads, social media, billboards, TV commercials, radio commercials, SEO, PPC, e-books, newsletters, etc.).


17) Warn Against Pitfalls

Talk about statutes of limitations and emphasize the importance of hiring a good personal injury lawyer early in the process.  Talk about insurance company tactics and how to counter them.  Talk about the pitfalls of self-representation.  Describe in detail the various stages and processes of personal injury claims.


18) Optimize Your Site for Speed and Mobile Functionality

Check your website’s speed and mobile friendliness at PageSpeed Insights.  If you haven’t updated your website recently, chances are it’s slow.  Contact your web developer or hire us to make your site fast and mobile-friendly.


19) Update Your Intake Process

Streamline your intake process so it is the same every time.  Have a standard intake questionnaire, consultation questionnaire, and client agreement.  Always ask incoming leads how they found out about you.  Always follow up with leads and develop a system to follow up every time.


20) Be Empathetic

Your clients are injured or have family members who are injured.  Focus your messaging on your eagerness and ability to help clients rather than selling to them.  Focus on connecting with clients and providing peace of mind.  Emphasize that the best part of your job is helping people, and that’s why you do it.


21) Do Community Service

Help out in your community, create content about it, and share it across your platforms.  Community service builds trust, earns respect, and helps combat negative stereotypes about personal injury lawyers.  Do good in the community, document it, and share it.  Your community will thank you and reward you by steering business your way.


22) Explain Why Your Service is Necessary

Highlight the pitfalls of self-representation and explain why clients should hire a proven personal injury lawyer as soon as possible to achieve the best possible result in their case.


23) Use Compelling Blog Titles

Your blogs should use compelling headlines that touch your client’s pain points and address their burning questions.  Focus your blogs on local issues, which you can find by following your local newspaper for trends in accidents and injuries in your area.


24) Track Data and Update Continuously

Use Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and Google Ads to track how your SEO and PPC are doing.  Track your LinkedIn and newsletter performance data as well.  Allocate more resources to what’s working and adjust what’s not.


25) Hire a Top Personal Injury Law Firm Marketing Company

Your marketing should focus on client acquisition, not just driving traffic.  You need a website that is fast, mobile-friendly, and optimized for lead conversion.  You need SEO that beats the local competition.  You need PPC that puts you in the right place at the right time.  Not every law firm marketing agency can do that.


Signaigo Legal Content puts you at the top of local search results and converts the traffic to leads with a fast, mobile-friendly design.   We don’t just get views.  We get cases.


Sign up today for a complimentary consultation.  We will ask questions about your practice and create a detailed content plan based on your answers.  There is no fee, and the content plan is yours to keep.