The Ultimate Client Acquisition Playbook for Law Firms
You can be the best lawyer in the world and still go out of business if nobody hires you. Effective marketing isn’t about clicks and impressions. It’s about getting clients. Follow these tips to turn your law firm ecosystem into a lead-generation machine.
Optimizing Your Law Firm Intake
1) Streamline Your Intake Process
Standardize your intake questionnaire to screen potential cases and clients. Standardize the onboarding interview you will use to close clients. Standardize the client agreement you will use to sign clients.
Organizing your intake process into repeatable steps ensures quality, saves time, and allows you to continuously improve the process. Write down answers to your client’s most common questions and objections. Revise and update your questionnaires to fine-tune them.
Only run PPC when someone is answering the phone and available to field incoming leads. If people are clicking on your ads, but you don’t have anyone answering the phone, then you are losing leads that you purchased.
2) Offer A Free Consultation or Case Evaluation
Clients are much more likely to hire you after they’ve had the chance to discuss their case with you. The consultation is your opportunity to build a relationship with the client, demonstrate your value, and show that you can achieve the result they want.
The better you identify the client’s core concerns and demonstrate that you can resolve their problems, the more likely the client will hire you.
Have thorough screening mechanisms, such as an intake questionnaire, to qualify potential clients — only grant consultations to people you want as clients.
20 to 30 minutes is all that is necessary for a free consultation. Do the consultation in person whenever possible (or have another attorney do it). Have a copy of your client agreement with you and ready to be signed.
Have a closing strategy. When in doubt, use some version of the line, ‘’Sounds like you need a lawyer. I can help.’’
Versions of ”Free Initial Consultation” or ”Free Case Evaluation” are good lines to use in your marketing. You can use the term ”Complimentary” instead of ”Free” to sound more professional and less ”salesy.”
Some lawyers prefer not to do free initial consultations. From our experience, they are a valuable opportunity to build client trust and shouldn’t be overlooked as a client acquisition strategy.
3) Follow Up Promptly with Leads
Many lawyers are poor at following up with leads and lose clients as a result. Develop a system for you or someone from your office to promptly follow up with every lead. Following up is a simple way to increase your conversion rate.
Respond to calls and intake forms within 30 minutes (1 hour max). The chance of converting the lead decreases the longer you take to respond. Don’t lose leads due to poor follow-up.
4) Always Make the Next Appointment with Leads
Get the next appointment on calendar before you get off the phone with leads. If you cannot schedule an appointment, tell the lead that you will follow up with them. Always take the initiative to follow up with leads – don’t wait for them to call you.
Law Firm Newsletters and Email Marketing
1) Capture Emails on Your Website
Email capture is what converts your website traffic into leads. If you are not converting your website traffic to newsletter signups, then you have valuable leads leaking out of your sales funnel. Have a newsletter signup form on your blog page and individual blogs to grow your email list (see ours below).
2) Build Your Email List
Always be building your email list. It’s one of your most valuable digital assets. Put newsletter signup forms on your blog page and individual blogs (see ours above). Host live events and collect emails on the sign-in sheet at the door. The strength of your email list determines your newsletter’s reach and lead generation ability.
3) Start A Newsletter
Your law firm newsletter is a powerful marketing tool that should not be underestimated. Your newsletter is a direct outbound digital marketing tool – it goes straight to people’s inboxes. If you do not already have a firm newsletter, start one.
The content in your newsletter must be of the highest value. Average content is no good. Send out newsletters at regular intervals, and send them as often as you can provide high-value content. Don’t sacrifice quality for quantity when it comes to newsletters – they should be your very best pillar content.
You can start with one newsletter per month or one per quarter. The important thing is to choose an interval you can maintain consistently. The more emails you send, the more money you make, so sending them weekly or bi-weekly is ideal. However, be honest with yourself about how often you can produce top-quality content.
We suggest converting your blogs into newsletters. Doing so ensures that your newsletter is always fresh and relevant and that your messaging is consistent across platforms.
You can also include firm news, events, recent wins, new hires, employee spotlights, sponsorships, speaking appearances, podcast appearances, recent case studies, and other valuable tips related to your practice areas.
Networking for Attorneys
1) Stay in Touch with Your Top Referral Sources
Referrals are the #1 source of cases for many lawyers. Your top referral sources are among your most valuable business partners. Send handwritten thank you cards and gifts to your top referral sources. Maintain contact with them and meet with them in person.
2) Network with Other Lawyers
Build relationships with other lawyers in person and online. Lawyers in different practice areas are valuable referral sources, and the relationship is mutual because you can also refer cases to them. Join professional associations and attend their events to meet other lawyers in person.
Building relationships with other attorneys inside and outside your practice areas is key for a healthy law firm ecosystem.
Use LinkedIn to build relationships with other lawyers online. The best way to do this is to comment on their posts and contact them via DM.
3) Join Attorney Associations
Attend the events and meet with other lawyers in person. If your firm is established, you can sponsor such events to show that you are a leader in the industry and committed to serving its members.
4) Leverage Word-of-Mouth
Encourage friends, family, and satisfied clients to refer people to your law firm. Recommendations from friends and family are more trustworthy than ads and other forms of marketing. Word of mouth is often the most powerful form of advertising. And the best part? It’s free.
One of the best ways to leverage word-of-mouth is to call your friends and family to say hi. No pretext. No sales pitch. Just call to see how they’re doing. Inevitably, the conversation will eventually turn to work, and you can tell them what you’re up to.
Tell your friends, family, and former clients that you are available if they know anyone who needs help.
5) Attend Networking Events
Attend workshops, seminars, and conferences related to your practice and interests. These are valuable opportunities to meet new people and build powerful relationships. Join non-lawyer professional associations related to your interests and attend their live events.
6) Do Community Service
Do good in your community, document it, and share it on your platforms. Community service builds trust and goodwill with your tribe. Share evidence of your good works, and your community will reward you by steering your business your way. Take photos and share them. Giving back to your community is a great way to build relationships and build your practice.
Volunteer for local organizations you care about. Attend and sponsor local events to build brand recognition and goodwill in your community. Bring t-shirts, signage, and merchandise to represent your business.
Testimonials and Client Reviews for Law Firms
1) Upgrade Your Testimonials
Your testimonials should include the person’s name, photo, 5-star review, and a headline in bold letters. Include the person’s job title, company name, logo, and links to their business and social media profiles whenever possible. In some cases, this may not be appropriate due to client confidentiality. However, the more information you can include, the more persuasive the testimonial.
Our testimonial below is a good example. Use this as a template to make your testimonials as effective as possible.
2) Put Testimonials on Every Web Page
Testimonials, 5-star reviews, and case studies are the most powerful proof that you are great at your work. However, most people don’t visit testimonials pages. Put testimonials on every page of your website in conspicuous places. Make them visible. Your most powerful evidence is useless if nobody sees it.
3) Develop Systems to Secure Testimonials
Testimonials and case results are key to establishing credibility. Create a routine for securing testimonials from clients. Some clients may not provide testimonials, and that is okay. Develop a method for asking in a way that is polite and sensitive to the issues the client is facing. Video testimonials are especially powerful.
Ask clients to leave reviews on Google as opposed to other platforms before Google reviews have the biggest impact on your SEO. Once the reviews are on Google, you can easily copy and paste them to your website manually or use an app or widget to do it automatically. If your reviews are not on Google, there is no way to move them to Google, and they do not help your SEO as much.
Here are some tips you can use to get more testimonials:
- Ask satisfied clients (you won’t get reviews if you don’t ask)
- Every ‘’thank you’’ is an opportunity to ask for a review (ask for a review right after achieving a big win for the client)
- Ask for reviews on live calls and send the link while you’re on the phone
- Use technology to ask for reviews
- Give cash incentives to all of your staff for securing Google reviews
- Ask for reviews in the first person rather than the third person (leave ‘’me’’ a review vs. leave ‘’the firm’’ a review)
- Use positive framing. Explain to people that their review will help others reach a positive resolution in their case.
Content Marketing for Law Firms
1) Use Plain Language
Make your marketing materials as accessible as possible. Your SEO and marketing copy should be written at an 8th-grade reading level. Make your website and marketing materials easy to read and understand. Avoid legalese and technical jargon.
2) Create Guides and Checklists
Simplify legal processes by creating visual guides with details about each step.
Provide detailed guides and checklists for common legal processes in your practice area. Describe each step of the process and the information and documentation necessary at each stage. Use visual graphics that make the processes easy to understand. Provide links to commonly used forms and other resources. Simplifying complex processes demonstrates your value and earns the client’s trust.
3) Warn About the Pitfalls of Self-Representation
Discuss the pitfalls of the immigration process and how to avoid them. Describe the risks of navigating legal processes without a lawyer. Describe in detail when and why clients should hire a lawyer in your practice area.
4) Have A Multilingual Website
If you are a multilingual law firm, you should have a multilingual website, blog, and marketing materials. Meeting clients in their native language is crucial to developing a connection and a relationship with them. Talking to clients in their native language allows them to better understand you and the value you are bringing.
If you are a Spanish-speaking law firm, we can help you. We are available to write Spanish legal content.
5) Invest in SEO
PPC is good for getting immediate attention, but SEO is a long-term investment that keeps working for you long after you create it. You will be successful if your SEO answers clients’ questions better than anyone else’s.
Use your blog to provide solutions to common problems. Know the specific pain points of the people you want as clients and offer solutions.
Your goal is to provide content so useful that people return to your website the next time they have a question – this establishes a personal relationship between you and the reader and positions you as their go-to source for legal information. The better you answer their questions, the more likely they will hire you over another lawyer.
Your SEO should cover a wide range of issues related to your practice area. Focus your content on the types of cases you want more of.
6) Update Your Practice Area Pages
If your website isn’t converting traffic into leads, your practice area pages are likely part of the problem.
People visiting your practice area pages are ten times more likely to become clients than those visiting your blog. Your practice area pages are the backbone of your SEO. Poor practice area pages mean poor SEO.
You should have a separate page for each practice area and sub-practice area. Each page should be 2,500-5,000 words long and answer every possible client question about the topic. Your practice area pages should mimic a sales conversation, answering every question and potential objection.
Go into deep detail. The better you answer clients’ questions, the higher you’ll rank, and the better your page will convert readers to leads.
7) Be Empathetic and Provide Emotional Support
Legal issues are often sensitive and emotionally charged. As such, your law firm’s marketing should prioritize empathy and the client experience from the beginning. Ensure your content and marketing material attend to clients’ emotional needs. Be supportive and provide reassurance from the start.
8) Discuss the Litigation Process
Discuss the litigation process, including the risks and the costs. Lawsuits can get massively expensive, especially when they go to trial. Educate your clients about cost-effective solutions. Discuss dispute resolution techniques like mediation and collaborative law and when they might be appropriate for your clients.
9) Warn Against Common Mistakes
Educate your clients about common pitfalls. Tell them what not to do based on errors others have made in similar situations. Doing so demonstrates your experience and your value.
10) Blog About Specific Scenarios
Write about topics that mirror your clients’ situations to prove you can solve their problems. Choose blog topics that apply to your client’s specific scenarios. Outline the benefits of your services. Demonstrate what makes you uniquely able to resolve the client’s problems. Categorize your blog so readers can easily access the information relevant to them.
Law Firm Marketing Performance Strategy
1) Use Various Marketing Channels
A multi-prong marketing approach is more effective than any single marketing channel. Each marketing channel has strengths and weaknesses, and they work better when combined. For most lawyers, we recommend engaging SEO, PPC, Linked In, and email newsletters simultaneously. The better you are at all these marketing channels, the better you will be at lead generation.
2) Track Performance Data
Track your SEO and PPC data with Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and Google Ads. Doing so allows you to allocate more resources to what’s working and adjust what’s not. Continuous data-based updates are necessary to stay on top of the competition.
3) Prepare A Marketing Budget
Start with a total marketing budget of 7-10% of your annual income. Then, decide how much of your total budget you want to commit to each marketing segment (SEO, PPC, website design, print ads, etc.).
Maintenance and Technical Fixes
1) Optimize Your Website for Speed and Mobile Functionality
Slow loading times and poor mobile friendliness are vampires for your SEO and digital marketing ecosystem.
Check PageSpeed Insights to see your website’s scores for speed and mobile functionality. If your scores are not in the “green,” your website needs to be updated. Contact your developer or hire us to ensure your website passes its core speed and functionality tests. Don’t lose leads due to a glitchy website.
Make sure your website is mobile-friendly. Up to 80% of your traffic may be coming from mobile. Make sure your mobile site is uncluttered and easy to use. Think mobile-first.
2) Secure Your Website
Hacks and cyber-attacks can ruin your SEO. Protect your website from intruders by using two-factor authentication on all accounts related to your website (especially your website and web hosting accounts). Activate a security software such as Wordfence to further protect from hacks.
Check your website regularly to make sure it is functioning properly. Check Google Search Console for abnormalities that could signal that your site is under attack.
8 Client Acquisition Tips for Immigration Lawyers
1) Network with Businesses and Agencies that Serve Immigrant Communities
Build relationships with translators, ESL teachers, cultural community groups, schools, government service providers, non-profits, and other agencies that serve immigrant communities by providing healthcare, education, consulting, or support.
2) Use Plain Language
As an immigration lawyer, you have diverse clientele with varying ranges of technological literacy and language skills. Explain things in plain language.
3) Create Guides and Checklists for Immigration Processes
Create checklists for the documents and information clients need for different immigration processes like visas, green cards, and citizenship. Simplify the processes by creating visual guides with details about each step. Timelines, charts, graphs, and other visual tools work well in this space.
Provide step-by-step guides and checklists about what information to collect and which forms to fill out for each immigration path.
4) Advise About the Pitfalls of Self-Representation in Immigration Processes
Immigrating to the United States can be tedious and confusing, even for native English speakers. Tell people why it’s better to have a lawyer guide them through the process.
5) Emphasize Attention to Detail
Emphasize the necessity for attention to detail when filing immigration paperwork. Submitting incorrect forms and documentation can cause delays and rejections. As an immigration attorney, you ensure all the proper forms are complete and accurate, helping avoid unwanted outcomes.
6) Graphics and Illustrations for Immigration Law
Use graphics and visuals that illustrate the immigration process in a way that is easy to understand. Provide visual checklists with actionable items. Visual tools are excellent aids for simplifying immigration processes. They also make great content to share on your blog, social media, and newsletter.
7) Community Service for Immigration Lawyers
Immigrant communities are often underserved and need your help. Get involved with local service organizations and share what you’re doing on social media to raise awareness and encourage others to help. Doing so builds trust and goodwill in your community.
8) SEO for Immigration Lawyers
There is no shortage of topics for immigration law content. Immigration law is always evolving, so share the latest changes to the law on your blog.
Write blogs about each type of visa and immigration form (there are many). Describe specific immigration scenarios and the best practices for managing them. Create content on particular processes and link to the relevant laws and forms (.gov websites). Create checklists for the necessary documentation.
Emphasize what makes you different. Do you offer appellate services? If so, discuss the steps and the details of the litigation process.
6 Client Acquisition Tips for Family Lawyers
1) Create Guides and Checklists for Family Law Processes
Provide detailed guides and checklists for common family law processes like marriage, divorce, marital agreements, and adoption. Describe each step of the process and the information and documentation necessary at each stage. Use visual graphics that make the processes easy to understand. Provide links to commonly used forms and other resources. Simplifying complex processes demonstrates your value and earns the client’s trust.
2) Warn About the Risks of Do-It-Yourself Options for Family Law Processes
Discuss in detail when and why it is necessary to hire a family lawyer. Highlight the benefits of hiring a family lawyer versus do-it-yourself options. Highlight the pitfalls of trying to navigate family law processes without a lawyer.
3) Network with Mental Health Professionals
Develop relationships with marriage counselors, therapists, and psychologists who can refer clients to you. The relationship is symbiotic because you can refer clients to them as well.
4) Sell Closure and Peace of Mind
Emphasize closure and peace of mind in your messaging. Offer solutions that save time and money and reduce conflict and stress. Be a calming presence and a voice of reason.
5) Demonstrate Expertise in Practice Areas Related to Family Law
Family law often overlaps with other practice areas like business law, tax, and estate planning. Demonstrate your expertise in these related fields. Create practice area pages and blogs for them.
6) Provide Tips for Peaceful Resolution
Provide tips for achieving a peaceful resolution in conflict. Be empathetic and provide emotional support. Discuss emotional issues and how to manage them.
9 Client Acquisition Tips for Criminal Defense Lawyers
1) Segment Your Market
Market to potential clients by case type. People want to know that you can solve their specific problem, whether it is a DUI, drug charge, or something else. Focus your marketing on your ability to solve particular types of cases. Have specific marketing materials for each type of case you want, and focus on the types of cases that you want the most.
2) Highlight Positive Results
Demonstrate your skill at handling particular types of cases and highlight positive results. Discuss defense strategies that you have used successfully and provide examples.
3) Market Geographically
All of your marketing should target clients within your jurisdiction and geographic reach. Use geographic search terms in your SEO. Geography is critical for criminal defense attorneys because defendants need a local attorney who can show up to court hearings.
4) Focus On What Makes You Unique
Focus on what makes you different from other criminal defense lawyers and better able to serve your client’s interests. Are you a former prosecutor? Do you have decades of experience? Do you speak Spanish? Have you been published? Do you specialize in a certain type of case? Highlight what makes you different and how it benefits your clients. Describe why you bring unique value.
5) Warn Against Self-Representation in Criminal Law Cases
Highlight the pitfalls of self-representation. Highlight the importance of hiring a lawyer without delay. Emphasize that there are important dates and deadlines in their case and that waiting to act could result in major penalties. Describe why hiring a private criminal defense lawyer is more advantageous than using a public defender.
6) Optimize Your Intake Process
Streamline your onboarding process so you are not losing clients due to disorganized intake. People get turned off when lawyers don’t respond to their inquiries or are slow to respond – especially with pressing issues like criminal charges. You’re much more likely to land clients if you make people feel they are your priority.
7) Write Blogs that Simplify Criminal Law Processes
Make the law accessible to your readers. Talk about bail and bail conditions. Talk about parole and parole conditions. Talk about the differences between a felony and a misdemeanor. Explain the role of jurisdiction and how it applies in specific contexts.
8) Tell People How to Talk to Law Enforcement
Give tips about what to do and what not to do when you get pulled over, stopped at a checkpoint, arrested, or charged with a crime. Explain 5th Amendment rights. Emphasize the importance of hiring a good attorney as soon as possible.
9) Answer Clients Most Burning Questions
Address clients’ core concerns: Will I go to jail? For how long? How much will this cost? Will I lose my driver’s license? Am I going to go on trial? Will I have a criminal record? Will I have to do community service? Try to answer every potential question a client may have about their case.
10 Client Acquisition Tips for Estate Planning Lawyers
1) Warn About the Pitfalls of Do-It-Yourself Estate Planning Options
Nowadays, several companies offer do-it-yourself estate planning services. Highlight the benefits of your services and the pitfalls of do-it-yourself options. Give detailed information about when and why clients should hire a lawyer for estate planning.
2) Network with Finance Professionals
Network with financial advisors, CPAs, and other financial professionals who can refer clients to you. You can refer clients to them as well and create a mutual relationship.
3) Market to High-Net-Worth Clients
Gear your messaging towards high-net-worth clients. People with wealth are more likely to have estate planning needs. Emphasize the benefits of being proactive about estate planning and early intervention.
4) Segment Your Target Market
Break your target market down into segments and market to each segment individually. For example, your clients may be homeowners, business owners, doctors, lawyers, retirees, and parents. Market to each of these groups individually and in deep detail.
5) Focus on Key Estate Planning Issues
Focus your messaging on the issues that matter most to your clients: preserving a legacy, protecting assets, passing on values and ethics, reducing taxes, privacy, and emotional fulfillment. You’re not selling wills and trusts; you’re selling security and peace of mind.
6) Add Value in Your Content Marketing
Focus your content on providing value rather than selling. Prove your worth by demonstrating expertise on the subject matter. Mastery of the subject matter will impress discerning clients more than a slick sales pitch.
7) Cover Related Practice Areas
Provide detailed information about your related practice areas. Often, estate planning intertwines with business, family, and tax law issues. Demonstrate your knowledge of these practice areas and share content about them.
8) Have Empathy
Estate planning issues are deeply personal. Embody your role as a “counselor” and provide emotional support along with sharp legal advice. Focus on building a real relationship with clients rather than selling or preaching to them. Connect with people personally, addressing their concerns and offering solutions.
9) Tell People How to Avoid Common Mistakes
Estate planning is complex and technical – help people avoid pitfalls.
10) Make Estate Planning Accessible
Demystify the processes of wills, trusts, estates, and asset management. Use plain language. Provide clarity and assurance. Be relatable and personable. Avoid legalese. Make your content comprehensive but easy to read. Drill down into specific estate planning issues and use phrases your clients will likely search for.
7 Client Acquisition Tips for Business Lawyers
1) Target the Exact Types of Projects You Want
Publish content specifically for the types of clients you want. If you want clients from a specific industry, then write blogs about legal issues within that industry. For example, if you want hotel clients, write blogs about hotels’ legal issues (food and alcohol, building code, employment, taxes, liability exposure, local law, and regulatory changes). Establish yourself as an expert in that industry.
You can also target new projects by case type. If you want more trademarks, then publish content about trademarks. If you want more real estate cases, publish content about real estate law. If you want more litigation, publish content about business torts.
2) Specialize by Service Area
For business law firms, your marketing materials must focus on your specialties. You can specialize in business formations, intellectual property, civil litigation, employment law, tax, contracts, and other business processes. Focus on the type of work you want more of.
3) Specialize by Industry
Specialize in industries that are interesting to you, such as hospitality, medical, technology, real estate, retail, construction, transportation, and others. You can niche down even further by specializing in specific processes within a particular industry – such as intellectual property litigation in the tech sector.
4) Define Your Niche
Choose your niche and demonstrate mastery over the subject matter. Corporations and business owners are likely to be discerning when selecting a lawyer. They want someone highly specialized and experienced in tackling their business’ particular issues. Thus, clearly defining your niche and establishing yourself as an authority is essential.
5) Invest in Business Law SEO
Businesses are dynamic and always changing. They will have more questions about business law. Establish yourself as their go-to source for legal information. The more effectively you solve their problems, the more likely they’ll return to your site and hire you as their lawyer.
Use your blog to provide solutions to common problems. Your goal is to provide content that is so valuable that potential clients return to your website the next time they have a question. Know the specific pain points of the businesses you want as clients and offer solutions.
6) Be A Sponsor
Sponsor industry events and trade shows – this establishes you as an industry leader and shows you are committed to serving that specific industry. Bring signage that shows who you are, what you do, and how you do it. Bring merchandise with your firm name and logo. Bring brochures and pamphlets with detailed information about how you can help businesses in that specific industry thrive.
Sponsor local teams and social causes. Do good in your community, document it, and post it on social media. Sponsoring worthy causes like youth sports, arts, and education builds trust and earns respect in your community.
Ensure all your marketing materials match your firm’s logo and colors – this will give you a slick presentation and make the most of your chance to impress potential clients in person.
7) Warn About Do-It-Yourself Options for Business Law
There is no shortage of companies offering do-it-yourself options for business formations, trademarks, contracts, and other legal documents. Highlight the benefits of hiring a business lawyer versus do-it-yourself options. Explain the risks and pitfalls. Explain why hiring a lawyer for business law processes is worth it, even though it costs more than doing it yourself.
7 Client Acquisition Tips for Personal Injury Lawyers
1) Network with Doctors
Form relationships with medical professionals who can provide referrals. The relationship is mutual because you can refer clients to them also.
2) Follow Local News
Follow local news for personal injury topics trending in your area. For example, if there has been an increase in e-bike accidents where you live, write a blog about it—this keeps your content fresh, relevant, and performing well in local searches.
3) Highlight Your Contributions to Society
Combat negative stereotypes by highlighting personal injury lawyers’ contributions to society, such as protecting people from dangerous vehicles, harmful products, predatory insurance practices, assault, and other safety risks.
4) Warn About Personal Injury Case Pitfalls
Talk about statutes of limitations and emphasize the importance of hiring a good personal injury lawyer early in the process. Talk about insurance company tactics and how to counter them. Talk about the pitfalls of self-representation. Describe in detail the various stages and methods of personal injury claims.
5) Be Empathetic
Your clients are injured or have family members who are injured. Focus your messaging on your eagerness and ability to help clients rather than selling to them. Focus on connecting with clients and providing peace of mind. Emphasize that the best part of your job is helping people, and that’s why you do it.
6) Serve Your Community
Help out in your community, create content about it, and share it across your platforms. Community service builds trust, earns respect, and helps combat negative stereotypes about personal injury lawyers. Do good in the community, document it, and share it. Your community will thank you and reward you by steering business your way.
7) Invest in SEO for Personal Injury Lawyers
SEO is especially important for personal injury attorneys because injured clients may be unable to do much research and thus be inclined to choose the top Google result. If you want to rank for the top search terms on Google, call us today to discuss how we can make that happen.
Hire A Top Law Firm Marketing Agency
Good law firm marketing isn’t about clicks and impressions. We will create a lightning-fast, mobile-friendly website for you that ranks for the most lucrative keywords in your industry. We will structure and design your site to convert readers into clients.
Anybody can build a website. Building a website that generates leads is a different story.
We seamlessly combine SEO, PPC, and sleek web design to turn your website into an evergreen client generator.
We won’t handcuff you to our platform like some law firm marketing agencies do. You own everything we create for you, including your website, SEO, and data.
Schedule a discovery call today!