
Estate Planning

Top 25 Client Acquisition Tips for Estate Planning Lawyers
Top 25 Client Acquisition Tips for Estate Planning Lawyers   Marketing for estate planning lawyers isn’t about vanity metrics.  It’s about building relationships and getting clients.  Implement these tips to enhance your estate planning law firm’s client...
Law Firm SEO vs. Pay-Per-Click (PPC): What’s Best for Your Budget?
Law Firm SEO vs. Pay-per-click (PPC): What’s Best for Your Budget?   Which is better, SEO or pay-per-click ads?  There are advantages to both, and it’s ideal to use a combination of the two.   Here’s why your law firm should implement both SEO and PPC:...
Hire a Lawyer to Write Your Legal Content: 8 Big Reasons Why
Hire a Lawyer to Write Your Legal Content: 8 Big Reasons Why   Many marketing agencies with no legal expertise position themselves as marketers ''for law firms'' because they think it will be lucrative.   Here are eight powerful reasons why you should not...